Encrypted Key

This guide explains how to use Encrypted Key to connect to Demex.

Learn more about Encrypted Key here.


Step 1: On Demex, click 'Connect Wallet' located at the top-right.

Step 2: Select the 'Encrypted Key' option located at the bottom of the available Wallet choices.

Step 3: Input the relevant information for your Encrypted Key to access your wallet.

Congratulations, your wallet has been successfully connected!

Key/Password Recovery

Step 1: To reset your password or retrieve your Encrypted Key, click on the 'Lost Key or Password?' option located to the left of the 'Connect' button.

Step 2: Reset your password or retrieve your Encrypted Key by inputting your 12 word Recovery Phrase.

Well done, you have successfully reset your password/retrieved your Encrypted Key!

Step 3: To connect to Demex using your Encrypted Key, please follow the Step by Step Guide provided above.

Congratulations, your wallet has been successfully connected!

Last updated