Lite Mode

All derivative markets on Demex are settled in the Carbon Grouped $USD Token. Deposit $USD here and start trading. Learn more about $USD here.

Lite Mode allows users to trade perpetuals with leverage through a familiar, swap-style UI. The introduction of Lite Mode expands the accessibility of Demex to a wider range of traders.

Keep a look out for these feature customizations:

  • To trade the amount you want, you can either enter the specific amount manually or adjust it using the toggle between 0% and 100%.

  • Adjust leverage settings easily by clicking on 📝 icon

  • Conveniently switch between short and long positions with a single click

Switch to Pro Mode

Discover the full suite of power trading features on Pro Mode!

To place limit orders, view limit order books and trade spot markets, switch to Pro Mode by clicking on the 'Confirm' button.

For the user guide on how to trade under Pro Mode, click here.

Last updated