
Here are some examples:

Example 1: Perp Trading Bob trades $25,000 worth of perpetuals. Bob will be awarded 2 spins instantly.

Example 2: Perp Pool Deposits Alice deposits $2,000 USD in the Perp Pool. Assuming her deposit remains unchanged for 1 week, Alice can expect to receive 2 spins at the end of the 1-week period.

To calculate the number of spins you can accumulate through Perp Pool deposits, use the following formula:

SpinsPerWeek=DepositedUSD1000SpinsPerWeek = \frac{Deposited\hspace{0.1cm} USD} {1000}

Example 3: Nitron Lending Tom lends $200,000 in Nitron. Assuming his lending position remains unchanged for 1 week, Tom can anticipate getting 2 spins at the end of the week.

Example 4: Nitron Borrowing Rachel borrows $20,000 from Nitron. Assuming her borrowing position remains unchanged for 1 week, Rachel can expect to receive 2 spins at the end of the week.

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