Stake FLUO
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Stake FLUO to earn more FLUO rewards!
Staking FLUO converts it into stFLUO tokens based on the redemption rate.
As FLUO staking rewards are directed towards stFLUO, it is a value-accrual token that appreciates over time against FLUO.
You can easily check the current stFLUO:FLUO exchange rate at the top of the Fluo Dashboard.
Learn more about $stFLUO here.
On the Fluo Dashboard, you can easily keep track of your staking activities.
View the current amount of stFLUO tokens staked.
Check the amount of FLUO tokens currently undergoing the unstaking process.
Check the staking APR.
To stake FLUO, click on the 'Stake' button on the Fluo Dashboard.
This will direct you to a new page where you can:
View the amount of available $FLUO tokens that you can stake.
Enter the desired amount of $FLUO tokens you wish to stake.
View the estimated APR you will earn from your staking activity.
Upon staking, you will receive $stFLUO tokens based on the current stFLUO:FLUO exchange rate.
To unstake $stFLUO, click on the 'Unstake' button on the Fluo Dashboard.
This will direct you to a new page where you can:
Check the amount of stFLUO tokens available for unstaking.
Monitor the amount of FLUO tokens that are currently undergoing the unstaking process.
Enter the number of stFLUO tokens you wish to convert back into $FLUO.
Note that there is a 14-day unstaking period during which your stFLUO tokens are locked in the staking contract, afterwhich you can withdraw your FLUO tokens.
Upon completing the unstaking process, you will receive $FLUO tokens equivalent to the prevailing stFLUO:FLUO exchange rate.
For your convenience, you can easily view your Unstake Date, which marks the end of the 14-day unstaking period.